KɅɅИ design

KAAN is recognised for innovative public realm landscape design for both the public and private development sectors. Our expertise covers urban regeneration projects, public spaces, educational settings, residential developments, health organisations, mixed use developments, as well as retail and major infrastructure.
Our landscape architecture design services include:
Landscape masterplanning
Outline design
Detailed design
Contract supervision
Stakeholder engagement
Shared surfaces
Biophilic design
Roof gardens and podiums
Ecology and habitat creation

With a truly multi-disciplinary network of consultancy and engineering expertise, our landscape architects can support you throughout your project, offering a complete range of planning, design and management solutions. We also collaborate with leading our architects to add maximum value.
Our design philosophy focuses on the creation of memorable places with a distinct identity, clear spatial form and sensitive integration within the local context. Our solutions are practical, robust and recognise the changing demands made on the external environment. We believe that landscape planning and design plays a critical role in the successful development of our towns and rural areas and we strive to create enjoyable, high quality spaces.
With a passion (and global reputation) for creative excellence, we combine cross-sector knowledge and experience to deliver truly transformational solutions. Our services cover environmental planning, energy & carbon, ecology, water management and transport planning.

KAAN’s landscape architects are experienced in providing clients with early-stage advice on the ability of different landscapes to accommodate society’s required change. We offer expertise in the assessment of landscape character and value that have been tested through public inquiry and examination for projects both large and small.

Our analysis of the landscape and of the policy context enables us to develop robust assessment methodologies and to offer clear advice to help secure planning consent for challenging projects in sensitive locations. Our landscape planning services include:
Site and options appraisals to determine landscape capacity
Outline feasibility studies
Routing studies for linear infrastructure
Statutory and public consultation
Detailed landscape, townscape, seascape and visual impact assessments
Verifiable visualization production